takes place in a Reiki Treatment Session?
treatment is either done in a chair, or on a Reiki table, similar to a
massage table. In his practice, Mikao Usui typically would treat the
head and neck with the patient seated, and then would treat additional
areas of the body as he sensed the need. A standard set of hand
positions was later developed, and is the basis for the typical Reiki
treatment in the western world, with the patient lying down. The
standard hand positions are on the head, the torso, and the back.
As trained, intuitive practitioners, we will follow a standard set of
hand positions, and add additional positions as appropriate. The
client is always fully clothed during the treatment. Treatments
can be done by either one, or two practitioners. Pictured here are
two of our Reiki students performing a treatment during one of their
much is the treatment?
Reiki treatments and other energy balancing techniques are comparably priced to treatments given by licensed
massage therapists in the local area.
can be made at the time of the treatment by cheque or cash.